Publications | Rural History in Europe

Wealth and Poverty in European Rural Societies from the Sixteenth to Nineteenth Century

Wealth and Poverty in European Rural Societies from the Sixteenth to Nineteenth Century

This book sheds new light on old problems of wealth, poverty and material culture in rural societies. Much of the debate has concentrated on north-west Europe and the Atlantic world. This volume widens the geographic range to compare less well known areas, with case studies on the Mediterranean world (Catalonia and Greece), from central Europe (Bohemia and Hungary), and from the Nordic countries (Denmark). Methodologically, several papers link the possession of goods to the use of room space, while others highlight the importance of the channels for the circulation of goods, problems of stocks and flows of goods, and the complexities of urban/rural difference. Finally, this book seeks to stimulate new comparative studies in living standards and lifestyles by providing an overview of achievements up till now.

John Broad is visiting academic at the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure, University of Cambridge. He has published on rural society and poverty in England, and his current research interests include a book on English rural housing, and large-scale surveys of population, religion, and landholding in England in the eighteenth century.

Anton Schuurman is associate professor of Rural History at Wageningen University. He has published on the history of material culture and rural transformations in the Netherlands. Currently he is writing a book on the processes of modernisation and democratisation in the Dutch countryside from 1840 till 1920.


flux rss  Actualités

Forum de littérature médiévale comparée

Conférence - Mercredi 24 avril 2024 - 18:00Le Forum de littérature médiévale comparée (Forum für mediävistische Komparatistik), site géré par Julia Rüthemann (post-doctorante au EHESS-CNRS, CRH, Université de Potsdam), Beatrice Trînca et Lea Braun, a le plaisir de vous inviter à sa troisième série de conférences en ligne au printemps 2024 !Ce Forum a pour but d’ouvrir un espace de discussion sur les approches comparatives en études médiévales et d’établir un réseau. Nous souhaitons regrouper(...)

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Lire l’État. Venise médiévale et ses territoires: représentations, cartographies, littératures

Journée(s) d'étude - Lundi 29 avril 2024 - 09:00Ce Workshop est organisé par Christophe Austruy (EHESS-CNRS, CRH) et Giovanna Corazza (Università Ca’ Foscari - Venezia / University of Notre Dame, MSCA Fellow), dans le cadre de l’Atelier doctoral Histoire, Économie, Société et Culture dans l’Empire vénitien (Xe-XVIIIe siècle).Cet atelier s’articulera autour de recherches récentes sur les formes de représentations médiévales du territoire à travers le langage visuel de la cartographie et de ce(...)

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Quantifier la Shoah. Classer, compter, modéliser / Quantifying the Holocaust. Classifying, Counting, Modeling

Colloque - Mardi 14 mai 2024 - 08:45L'élaboration et la discussion des techniques d'enquête et d'analyse quantitatives percutent et renouvellent de nombreux champs de la recherche historique. Comment cela affecte-t-il les études sur la Shoah ? Ce colloque, oragisé par Claire Zalc (CNRS IHMC, EHESS, ERC Lubartworld), Robert Braun (UC Berkeley), Tal Bruttmann (Université de Cergy), Eva Kovacs, Institut Wiesenthal de Vienne pour les études sur l’Holocauste), Maël Le Noc (Mémorial de la Shoah, P(...)

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