Publications | Rural History in Europe

Agrosystems and Labour Relations in European Rural Societies

Agrosystems and Labour Relations in European Rural Societies

It goes without saying that agriculture is a form of colonisation of nature by society. In the course of history the articulation of natural and societal features gave rise to a wide variety of agrosystems within the boundaries of Europe which were embedded in supra-regional political and economic contexts at least from the High Middle Ages onwards. By following an integrative approach, this volume defines agrosystems as production systems based on the ecological and socioeconomic relations involved in the reproduction of rural societies at multiple levels. The authors explore the articulation of natural and societal factors through the prism of labour relations. The structural and practical organization of labour is seen as the crucial link between rural production and reproduction. Accordingly, the contributions focus on the rural household as the basic unit of production and reproduction in different temporal and spatial contexts. Therefore, the question arises if the changes in ecosystems and social systems have so fundamentally altered European agriculture up to now that peasant family farming will disappear (if it is no longer sustained by state intervention).



Ottar BROX, University of Tromsö,  Norway

Xavier CUSSO, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

Antoni FURIÒ, University of Valencia, Spain

Ferran GARCIA-OLIVER, University of Valencia, Spain

Ramon GARRABOU, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

Rita GARSTENAUER, Institute of Rural History St. Polten, Austria

Herdis KOLLE, University of Bergen, Norway 

Erich LANDSTEINER, University of Vienna, Austria

Ernst LANGTHALER, Institute of Rural History St. Polten, Austria

Margareth LANZINGER, University of Vienna, Austria

Enric TELLO, University of Valencia, Spain  

Hermann ZEÌTLHOFER, University of Vienna, Austria


flux rss  Actualités

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Quantifier la Shoah. Classer, compter, modéliser / Quantifying the Holocaust. Classifying, Counting, Modeling

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